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Property Management System

Handle everything from bookings to billing in one place, streamlining tasks like scheduling rent payments, keeping track of maintenance requests, and even communicating with tenants - all through a user-friendly platform.

They trust PropKita.

PropKita main features.

Facility Management

Enables property managers to schedule and manage maintenance requests and repairs for their properties.

Community Apps

Enables property managers to communicate with tenants and residents through mobile apps, providing a platform for managing community events, announcements, and resident feedback.

Visitor Management

Enables property managers to track and manage visitors to their properties, including sign-in and sign-out processes, access control, and security management.

Property Accounting

Enables property managers to manage financial information such as budgets, expenses, and revenue for their properties.

Access Control

Enables property managers to manage access to their properties, including keyless entry systems, access card management, and access logs.

LPR Parking

Enables property managers to manage parking for their properties using license plate recognition (LPR) technology.

E-Wallet Integration

Enables residents to make rent payments or other financial transactions through the software, using e-wallets or other payment platforms.

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